Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Time and Date

Homecoming this year will be the weekend of Friday, November 7 through Sunday, November 9, 2008. This is a good year for us to meet in Cleveland, I think, because it shouldn't be a reunion-year for any of us. The schedule for homecoming is not available yet, so I don't know if there are events, Greek club gathering, or performances any of you are interested in attending. For the sake of argument here's what I'm proposing we do:

On Saturday, November 8th we get together with our families in the evening and enjoy a catered meal together. I'd like to have some sort of presentation of photos and memories and speeches (more information on that soon). This provides people with the option of traveling after work Friday and leaving Sunday if they need to, and also gives folks some time to enjoy Lee's Homecoming events.

I'm not anticipating the costs to exceed anything we would pay to just go out and have dinner somewhere together. In fact, I am checking out restaurants with private dining rooms.

Our other option is to use a hotel meeting/reception room and then have caterers come in.

Anyone have a membership to the Country Club? (haha)

PLEASE! Let me know if you have any problems with these plans (or if you have any of our missing email addresses)...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Nailing Down a Place

Today I would like to make some strides towards nailing down a location for this reunion. There are some factors, though, to consider in choosing a place.

1: How many of us will there be? This is a reunion, so PLEASE bring your families! I can't imagine anything nicer than meeting everyone's spouses and children.

2: Are we interested in having some English pints available, or should this be a more campus-friendly Lee event? Clearly, in light of "please bring your children", I'm not suggesting a keg-party style reunion. I could see some sophisticated beer and wine, though.

3: If we block rooms at a hotel, we may also be given meeting space. I know I will be getting a hotel, and if there are at least ten rooms (usually) there's a price-break. This is a time-sensitive option (those who've planned a wedding know!), but I think one worth considering.

4: If we get a room at Lee, it may not be expensive, if anything at all. But if we are reserving hotel rooms regardless, having the celebration right there ain't a bad idea.