Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Nailing Down a Place

Today I would like to make some strides towards nailing down a location for this reunion. There are some factors, though, to consider in choosing a place.

1: How many of us will there be? This is a reunion, so PLEASE bring your families! I can't imagine anything nicer than meeting everyone's spouses and children.

2: Are we interested in having some English pints available, or should this be a more campus-friendly Lee event? Clearly, in light of "please bring your children", I'm not suggesting a keg-party style reunion. I could see some sophisticated beer and wine, though.

3: If we block rooms at a hotel, we may also be given meeting space. I know I will be getting a hotel, and if there are at least ten rooms (usually) there's a price-break. This is a time-sensitive option (those who've planned a wedding know!), but I think one worth considering.

4: If we get a room at Lee, it may not be expensive, if anything at all. But if we are reserving hotel rooms regardless, having the celebration right there ain't a bad idea.


Tamara said...

Sounds like fun! There is a place in Cleveland now called the Bald Headed Bistro that offers a pretty wide variety of ales and cocktails. They also have a nice meeting area. The atmosphere is very Amercian Western but also very nice.


Also, if the group wanted to go to Chattanooga, The Fox and Hound is a chain but has large rooms and a big ale selection as well.

Just throwing out some ideas!


The Caskey's said...

what dates are we looking at?